(Post 7) To lip-sync or not to lip-sync? That, is the question.
How effective is the use of lip-syncing?
In this student made music video the use of lip syncing is not very professional or well done. there is a clear timing issue between the lyrics and the lip-syncing. It makes the video less effective and appear more amateur. Its very important in a music video to ensure that the video is well edited and therefore the miming syncs with the song and lyrics.
What difficulties can you imagine there are with lip-syncing?
In order to create a well edited and effective video its important to make sure the lips are well synced with the video. However this is more challenging than it appears, when lip-syncing to a song its important that the mime artist sings to the same time as the song. This is much more challenging than others may perceive because often when miming the song people become out of time with the actual lyrics or say a word too slowly which makes the video less effective. Its also very hard for the mime-artist to pronounce the word in the same way its pronounced in the song, due to everyone having a different speaking style.
I think there is a possibility we will use lip-syncing in our final video because when its done well it can be very effective and often emotive. If the person who is miming is passionate in what they're singing it can be powerful and convincing, almost as though the song is being sung at that time. If we did use lip-syncing our video would still be a mixture of narrative and performance because just having someone lip-syncing can become a little dull and tedious. Its also important to us that our video is as effective as possible and therefore more professional, in order to ensure this we will take a lot of time and effort to make the lip-syncing as well timed and edited as possible.
How effective is the use of lip-syncing?
What difficulties can you imagine there are with lip-syncing?
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