(Post 1) Our practice task explained

Me, Paula and Jess were randomly given a fairy tale or nursery rhyme, and a question. We can use these as stimuli to create a music video. The fairy tale/nursery rhyme we were given was 'This little Piglet' and the question we were given was 'How long is a piece of string'.
Initial first idea

Our initial idea was to work with the nursery rhyme rather than the question we were given and we thought of a scene, where a mother is holding a baby's foot and does the nursery rhyme with its toes. We then thought about songs that we would like to use and came up with 'Lighthouse' by Patrick Watson and 'To build a home' by The Cinematic Orchestra. We struggled to develop a story from the nursery rhyme and instead thought of potential cast and costumes we would like to use. We also researched some locations in our area which would look cinematic. This all led to us deciding that we won't be concentrating too much on the story but rather produce a range different scenes that somehow link together but mainly impress because of the cinematography and choice of costume and location. 

Potential song choice

Album: Adventures In Your Own Backyard
Leave a light on in the wild
Cause I'm coming in a little blind
Dreaming of a lighthouse in the woods
Shining a little light to bring us back home

When to find you in the backyard
Hiding behind our busy lives
Dreaming of a lighthouse in the woods
To help us get back into the world

Cause I know
I've seen you before
Won't you shine
A little light
On us now

Won't you shine a little light
In your own backyard
Won't you shine a little light
In your own backyard

Dreaming of a lighthouse in the woods

We decided to use 'Lighthouse' by Patrick Watson because of many reasons. First of all, the song is between 4 and 5 minutes long which is a good length to tell a short story and produce a range of cinematic shots. It is a very dramatic song that starts with piano tunes and slowly builds up. It works very well with the theme and atmosphere we are trying to create. Based on the song we are going to use specific locations that have something abandoned, lost and empty about them. The song mentions a lighthouse, the wild, the woods, backyards and talks about hiding our busy lives. The album of the song is called 'Adventures In Your Own Backyard' which basically sums up the plot of our music video.


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